CombyCat is the answer to the fiber’s wastes recycling topic (such as wadding, etc.), allowing to use them, reducing the costs, saving in new materials purchasing and giving a good help in environmental care.
Quarrata Forniture’s answer to the fibre’s wastes recycling topic (such as wadding, etc.), allowing to use them, reducing the costs, saving in new materials purchasing and adding to the environment.
CombyCat is a carding machine able to card short and long fiber and to fray the fiber’s wastes.
The material at the outlet of the machine is good for most of the applications,
but can be improved if connecting CombyCat to our carding machine mod Tasmania.
So, without increasing the processing time, it’s possible to get really high quality recycling results
with the wastes of all kind of fibers used in upholstery.
It increases the range of our machines for cushion filling &waste recycling:
Silo, Dumbo and Grizzly.